How to attract new customers

Optimal customer service and word of mouth are good strategies to expand our customer base. But when it comes to actively engaging customers, how do we do it? Below we tell you about the best strategies and tools that will help you achieve this goal successfully 🤓 Continue reading!

Previously, in another article, we had talked about the importance of providing quality customer service and improving it as many times as necessary to achieve customer satisfaction. Why? Because a satisfied customer will help us to attract new customers without having to allocate a large amount of our budget to the marketing department.

But, even if our customer satisfaction is a key factor in the success of our business, it is important to keep our customers satisfied. Although unnecessary, let’s define what we mean by a new customer so that there is no confusion.

A new customer is a person who is contracting a service with a given company for the first time.

Remember that, in a company, there can be many types of customers, although mainly we usually classify them into:

  • active (they hire services with certain frequency)
  • potential (we would like to have)
  • new (we have just acquired)
  • current (hire services on a regular basis)
  • inactive (they contracted some occasional service, but they could contract something again)

Now, we are going to focus on attracting new customers to transform our potential customers into current customers. To do this, we’re going to provide you with some very useful tips.  


How can I attract new customers?

When it comes to attracting more customers, the actions can be very varied, but not all companies carry them out and, therefore, their customer base is stagnant. From Gesditel we are going to provide you with some tips that will help you with your goal of increasing the number of customers as are:

  • Offer a free trial of the service. Promote this sample or promotion through social networks and the company’s website.
  • Promotional campaigns. Create promotional discounts for your new customers who hire your services. A clear example is the telemarketing campaign with operators who are responsible for contacting your potential customers to inform them of the promotion of your services.
  • Business meetings. Go to trade fairs, exhibitions and business events to offer them information about your company.
  • Search and offer references. Get your clients to speak well of your services and serve as an endorsement of your services as an expert and professional in your sector.
  • Social networks. Create your company a profile on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to share information and promotions about your services with your followers. You can also provide them with tips and advice.
  • Customer tracking. Get to increase the number of customers and perform relational actions that allow you to strengthen the relationship with future customers.

All these tips will be very useful when you put them all into practice, but remember that there are also other very effective ways of attracting new customers such as:

  • Automatic call campaigns.
  • Chatbots.
  • Online sales.
  • Artificial intelligence

And all this can be done with great comfort if you have telemarketing software that allows you to control call traffic, automate processes, access your company’s contacts,…  


What are the marketing strategies that will help me to attract new customers?

Marketing, both offline and online, has been and will be the technique most used by companies to attract customers, but, like everything else, it has evolved.

There are more and more marketing tactics or strategies that can help companies effectively attract new customers. There are 11 basic marketing strategies to increase the number of new clients, and they are:

  • Direct or Outbound Marketing. It is a technique that allows you to communicate directly with the customer (email, phone, in person, …) and involves a very specific call to action (subscribe, visit the website, call, click on a link, …).
  • Inbound Marketing. It consists of attracting the attention of customers with interesting content.
  • Paid online advertising or SEM. The most commonly used are:
    • Display advertising: it consists of focusing on a target market by advertising on websites. It is very useful when the target audience is of different demographics or have different behaviors.
    • Targeting retargeting: this is very useful when you don’t know which websites your potential customers visit.
    • Search engine advertising (SEM): consists of paying for each click on your ads. It is a way to reach customers immediately.
  • Social Media or Social Networks. You have to be active in social networks and share posts with interesting content so that your contacts share them and reach more potential new customers.
  • E-Mail Marketing. It is one of the most effective techniques and allows you to stay connected with your audience keeping your brand always present in the customer’s mind.
  • Affiliate Marketing. It consists of recommending our services thanks to our customers and/or other companies that know us and help us to sell more.
  • Event Marketing. It allows companies to publicize their brand, their services and establish connections with potential customers to convert them into new strong customers.

If you want to know more about marketing strategies that can help your company on how to increase your customers, we recommend you to read our article. It will be very useful to expand your knowledge even more.

  attract new customers  

What tools can I use to attract new customers?

When it comes to calculating the results obtained in a company, we are not only referring to the business performance, but also to the people (the customers) who have generated those figures.

Therefore, we must study the different processes by which we acquire new customers, the value that each new customer provides us, the frequency of purchase of our services, the satisfaction that it has generated, …

  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC). They allow us to know how much budget it has cost us to acquire each new customer.
  • Churn rate. They help us to measure how quickly our customers abandon us. When it is high it is because our customers are dissatisfied.
  • Customer life cycle. It measures how profitable is the acquisition of each customer.
  • Customer satisfaction index. Can be calculated by conducting customer satisfaction surveys.
  • Customer acquisition and loyalty efficiency ratio. It provides us with information on how efficient our customer acquisition campaigns are being and if there are any problems with sales, customer service and support.

These are essential tools that every company must calculate to offer an excellent customer experience with the service provided by the company in order to convert them into new customers.

All the actions explained above and the calculation of these metrics would not be possible without a good CRM incorporated to your virtual PBX, since it allows you to:

  • Collect all the information of your customers to have a new sales opportunity.
  • Identify the stage of the buying process your customers are in.
  • Determine the ideal moment to carry out your next email marketing campaigns.
  • Recognize what content may be of interest to your current and potential customers, and then publish it on the web and on social media.
  • Connect with other tools for an optimal management of the same.
  • To carry out segmented marketing campaigns.

At Gesditel, we have all of them to make them available to our customers. Many companies are already counting on us to increase the number of new customers.

What about you, would you like to attract new customers by using the right tools? If you are interested in your company to attract customers with any of these tools, count on us, we have what you need.

Optimize the tools to the maximum and making the most appropriate marketing strategies for your company, you can enjoy all its benefits, do not hesitate to contact us, we will attend you without obligation.

We hope that we have been useful to you and that you manage to attract more customers by offering the best quality to customers in order to satisfy them and increase the profitability of the company with a low cost.

(Votos: 1542 )
Por: Nati CaballeroPublicado el: 9 de mayo de 2022