Automatic management of incident tickets in a hospital

Discover how to manage incident tickets quickly and easily in your clinic or hospital so that your patients have the least inconvenience during their stay, and you offer an optimal care service.

In the healthcare sector (hospitals, clinics, …) extra-health services are increasingly provided. For example, today, patients have access to WIFI Internet and have an individual TV that can also be used as a computer. An example of these services can be found at the Virgen Macarena University Hospital in Seville. However, all computer equipment can suffer technical problems, requiring the intervention of the maintenance service after the opening of incident tickets.

This opening can be processed automatically by the customer service department (SAC) or the call center (CAU) of the hospital’s call center upon receiving the patient’s call.

In the past, when we were hospitalized, we only had the telephone and the television, which were shared with the other patients in the same room. And in the event that any of the devices did not work, we had to wait for an assistant or nurse to come and tell us about it, or send a family member to tell them so that they could send a technician.

This will no longer be necessary and will avoid crowds of patients and relatives to report incidents to the technicians in hospitals and/or clinics. The aim of all this is to offer a quality service to patients and make their stay as pleasant as possible.

For this reason, an automated incident ticket opening system has been created that will pick up the incident by telephone and communicate it to the technical service. In addition, it will be available 7 x 24 hours. This function can be implemented by any public or private company in the healthcare sector.

Therefore, let’s take a closer look at what it consists of and analyze all the advantages it offers to companies and patients.


What is the automated incident ticketing system?

This service allows users of the hospital and/or clinic to call the customer service department to report the incident. There, they will be attended, they will write down the incidence, and they will communicate it to the responsible technician. But … how is the automation of this service achieved? It is thanks to the virtual assistant. For example, let’s suppose that the patient, in bed 1 of room 203, is unable to watch TV. In this case, …

The patient will call the technical and/or maintenance service of the hospital, where an assistant will answer the call and proceed to recognize the room and the patient who called. He will then process the automatic opening of the incident tickets, which will then be communicated to the maintenance technician.

In addition to opening the incident tickets, it will register them in the technician’s CRM, indicating the bed and room to be addressed and the reason for the incident. This service will be available at any time, 7 x 24 hours.

Explained in a more technical way, it consists of the creation of a voice routing tree with recognition of the hospital, room, bed and type of problem. The recording of the incident can be by message recording or with the attention of an attendant. In addition, the data is transmitted in real time to the CRM (Zendesk) for opening the ticket and assigning a technician.

For its implementation, it is only necessary to have a software in your call center with an interactive voice response or advanced IVR system that allows you to automate and virtualize the calls that patients will make to manage incident tickets. In addition, as it has a virtual assistant, 100% of the calls will be answered, and as it has artificial intelligence, it is able to respond automatically and without waiting for the most common incidents.

That is, those that can be solved over the phone without the physical presence of the technician.


What advantages does the virtual assistant offer by automating the opening of incident tickets?

Virtual assistants were created to improve the customer/patient care provided by companies, and therefore, they have a wide variety of functions designed for this purpose. They are available around the clock 365 days a year and perform voice gateways and text gateways to connect with the CRM of the hospital or clinic technician to enter the incident reported by the patient. This is thanks to two of its functions:

  • Text to speech (automatic translation of text to speech) that allows you to interpret the technician’s CRM into voice messages to communicate to the patient when the incident will be resolved.
  • Speech to text (automatic translation of speech to text) that allows you to interpret the voice messages of patients communicating the incident to transcribe it into text and write it down in the CRM to the technician.

This is an automatic incident opening system so that the patient can call an active phone 7×24 hours (attended by our virtual assistant) in which, after entering the room number, you can process the incident without human intervention.

Although the advantages it provides are numerous, the main ones offered to the healthcare sector are:

  • It saves costs and time by eliminating the need for human staff to enter patient data for incident processing.
  • It allows staff to enter patient data without human intervention.
  • It offers unlimited information instantly.
  • It offers uninterrupted attention to patients.
  • It allows standardization of the information provided.
  • Increases customer satisfaction and confidence and generates a positive experience.
  • Flexibility.
  • Reduces response time.
  • Ease of use.
  • Improves reactivity.
  • Makes your brand (hospital and/or clinic) more competitive.
  • Optimizes patient care by freeing up call center resources for functions that increase the added value of services.
  • Reduces the number of missed calls for incident ticket openings.
  • Decreases patient frustration.
  • Improves hospital and/or clinic performance and productivity.
  • Enables the use of the DTMF function in multiple languages.
  • Offers convenient system management from the cloud.




If your company belongs to the healthcare sector and you have a contract with the maintenance service for the televisions installed in the rooms of your hospital and/or clinic, at Gesditel we are aware of the investment you have made to brighten up your patients’ stay.

Therefore, if you are interested in having a virtual assistant in your company’s call center to automatically manage the opening of incident tickets and register it in the CRM of the technical maintenance service to enjoy all the benefits it provides, we have what you need.

Just contact us and we will assist you without obligation. Our services are fully customized to your needs.

We hope you found this article useful, and if you did, please share it!

(Votos: 1542 )
Por: Nati CaballeroPublicado el: 25 de abril de 2022