Increase customers without investment: Would you like to know what Artificial Intelligence solutions 🤖 you can apply to your business to increase your customers and also do it without making investment? Be sure to read this article! 🤓

In this article, we will show you the benefits brought by the application of these automated solutions in any business. We will also review their practical application in the business world since the beginning of the Digital Era, as well as the results obtained.

To analyze the impact of this type of solutions we can give many examples: Google, Amazon, Apple, AliExpress, Facebook…. They all have something in common, because they have developed the ability to:

  • Analyze the interests of each of their potential customers
  • Knowing their preferences
  • When and how they are interested in your services
  • Choose what type of ad to show them and where to show it

At first glance, it may seem to us that they generate their profits differently, but no…. In reality, they ALL use the same secret to maintain their POWER: OPTIMIZATION of the COMMUNICATION CHANNELS that connect them to their customers.

They have specialized in studying and optimizing their communication channels, enabling them to GET and KEEP BILLIONS OF MILLIONS of customers practically all over the planet.

Some of the key benefits of analyzing this data are:

  • Knowing which channels are the most suitable for attracting and serving your customers
  • Define when and how potential customers try to obtain information about your services.
  • Recover lost sales opportunities.
  • Optimize your service/sales hours to increase the sales/satisfaction ratio.
  • Find the real needs of your business, as well as identify the optimal tools to increase results.
  • Implement automatism that improve your processes.

Spain and companies dedicated to optimize communication channels to increase their customers without investment.

Up to this point, you surely agree that the use of the latest technologies applied to your business will undoubtedly bring incredible benefits to any business, but the question is: Why in Spain there are so few companies that invest in this type of solutions?

The answer is simple: «Spain is the country of Micro – SMEs».

According to data from El País, «95% of Spanish companies have less than 10 employees». This data, together with the fear of a new economic crisis and the need for immediate profitability on every euro invested, make Spanish company managers slow down their investment in technology.

GESDITEL is aware of this reality and has therefore developed a new system for working with its customers. It is in charge of providing Spanish Micro – SMEs with all the necessary technology to make their business profitable without investing anything until they achieve economic return. It carries out the whole process:

  • From the initial consultancy, in which it knows the way your client works and detects their needs
  • To the final implementation of advanced systems with Artificial Intelligence such as ANIA.

In addition, these advanced systems automate business processes, increasing the SUCCESS obtained in all cases.

Our experience and the results obtained with hundreds of companies from different sectors throughout the national territory allow us to do it WITHOUT COST. You don’t need to invest in technology for your company, we are so sure of our success that WE INVEST FOR YOU.

Those interested in knowing more information can fill out this CONTACT FORM or contact us from any of our communication channels.


How to increase my customers without investment?

It’s very simple, we implement the ideal system created for you:

Control: We put you in control of your business

The first phase consists of giving you all the information of all your company’s communication channels. For this we use our Telecommunications analysis system that allows you to obtain all the necessary information to detect the real needs of your business:

  • Calls, received and issued
  • Missed sales opportunities
  • Customer not managed
  • Orders placed

In this first analysis we know who is your potential customer, what is the average ticket of an active customer, what is the telecom spending and if this spending has a positive return.


Optimization: Increasing profitability

The analysis of all data obtained during 3 months allows us to:

  • Determine the level of technological maturity of your business
  • Discover the needs that allow you to optimize your results
  • Develop new ways of communicating with your customers
  • Adapt time schedules
  • Automate processes
  • Integrate communications systems with the software used in your business

Remember that all of these technological measures will be paid by GESDITEL, we will only charge 7% of the increase in profit obtained.


Transcendence: We take your business to the highest level

The third phase will be repeated constantly in quarterly periods. It consists of:

  • Analyze the positive impact of phase 2
  • Determine the need to implement new solutions
  • Develop automatic system with Artificial Intelligence that help to boost your business, even when it is closed

We will also apply customer analysis strategies that will help us develop new ways of communication and ways to increase customer satisfaction levels. And, on the other hand, we will carry out referral marketing techniques and commercial telephone prospecting that allows you to quickly increase your customer base.

We will be happy to provide further information without obligation to any company that fills out our CONTACT FORM while this promotion is active.

Now that you can apply technology to your business and increase your customers without investment, you have no excuse to improve your profitability. Don’t let your competition get ahead of you or let this exclusive temporary promotion end. Get information without obligation and start as soon as possible to enjoy the increased benefits that we will get for you.

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Por: Nati CaballeroPublicado el: 13 de mayo de 2022