How to track emergency calls

In today’s article we address the importance of geolocating emergency calls for hospitals and healthcare centers, how to do it in a simple way and what benefits it can bring to the center.🤓 This article interests you! Read on. 

Emergency situations are very complicated and not all of us are able to act correctly when we are involved in one. In those moments the main thing is to know what type of emergency is being experienced (health, violence, break-in, …), because depending on the case we will have to dial one number or another. In the case of a health emergency, the first thing to do is to call the emergency medical service. Here, in Spain, you should call 061 (emergency service) or 112 (emergency service).

Once we dial the corresponding emergency number, the switchboard will start to trace the incoming call while reporting what is happening in order to take action and send the corresponding team. As we all know, before a health emergency, every second counts to save the person’s life, so a prompt location and action can be crucial in those moments.

The traceability of emergency calls received by both hospitals and clinics, regardless of whether they are private or public, is essential. And, therefore, its optimization and correct operation make customers satisfied or not with the quality and service provided in critical situations.

For this reason, we are going to explain what exactly tracking emergency calls consists of and what advantages it provides to companies in the healthcare sector. But first of all, let’s explain the difference between urgency and emergency:


It is that situation in which the patient’s life is not in danger.


It is the situation in which the patient’s life is in danger and the action of the health care providers must be immediate.


What is call traceability?

The call traceability service is crucial for effective and immediate medical care to preserve the health of citizens who call the urgent or emergency service. Moreover, it is a service that benefits both companies and customers.

It allows companies to geo-locate where the call is being made from and saves customers from having to explain the exact location of the patient so that they can come to the patient’s aid.

Although it may seem silly to explain where you are, in critical situations, the mind can freeze and not be able to explain where you are. While you explain yourself, the health services understand you and manage to locate you to see the shortest route to arrive as soon as possible, several minutes have elapsed, which in critical health emergency situations can mean that the patient loses his life or seriously worsens his health.

But … how do you get an exact geolocation to get there in the shortest possible time? It is thanks to the interactive voice response or advanced IVR service, which allows you to automatically locate the emergency call received at the hospital or clinic switchboard for rapid medical attention.

The system is very simple, every time someone dials the emergency number, the switchboard receives the signal from where the call was made via satellite. In this way, the operator can access the map of the region, which, through maps, shows the exact location (from the municipality to the block, the street and the exact height of the street from where the emergency number has been called).

The caller’s number is then stored in the IVR and an e-mail is sent directly with all the information stored in its database about the caller. In this way, a call history is created with the causes for which they called, which serves as a medical history for the health personnel who will come to their aid. Therefore, for its execution you only need to have a software in your call center with IVR system.


What are the advantages of tracking emergency calls?

Health care switchboards receive an infinite number of calls from citizens in emergency or urgent situations throughout the day. Moreover, taking into account that, for example, 112 is a nationwide service, the work of the operators to assist in the intervention is crucial.

They are the ones who make a first contact with the citizen and geolocate the exact location of the call to refer it to the nearest health center and send it to the mobile unit (ambulance) that is closest to its location.

Therefore, although it may seem a service that is not necessary in all situations, it is and brings great advantages and benefits for both citizens and companies that use it, such as:

  • Minimization of intervention times
  • Attention and immediate geolocation 365 days a year.
  • It is a free service.
  • It allows immediate activation of all agencies.
  • It allows the incorporation of technological advances.
  • It is a free service for the citizen.
  • It can be used for any type of emergency.
  • It allows better handling of emergency calls thanks to the traceability of the calls.
  • Generates call history to the numbers registered in the databases.


emergency calls


If your company belongs to the health sector and you are one of those who think that in times of health emergency, the geolocation of the citizen is essential, in Gesditel we are aware of that need and we have what you need. Therefore, if you are interested in having in your company’s call center the IVR system that performs the functions explained above and helps you to provide a quality service while minimizing the intervention time, contact us.

We offer fully customized services according to your needs. Do not hesitate, contact us, we will assist you without obligation. We hope this article has been useful for you.

(Votos: 1542 )
Por: Nati CaballeroPublicado el: 22 de abril de 2022