How Integrated Marketing increases profits

Integrated Marketing:Discover how to increase your company’s profits by developing a proper digital marketing strategy. We explain how below! 🚀

Did you know that Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple or Facebook WERE NOT pioneering companies in their sectors?

To give some examples: Google was the 10th Internet search engine. Microsoft did not have (and does not have) the best operating system.

If this is true, how did they manage to dominate their sectors?

They did it because they all chose and executed their integrated marketing strategies to perfection.

Without being the first, nor in many cases the best, they managed to grow and position themselves above their competition because they got it right in the way and with the channels they chose to communicate with their target customers.

They got it right with their INTEGRAL MARKETING strategy.




What is integrated marketing or 360 marketing?

Integrated marketing is an evolution of digital marketing that treats each of the marketing strategies and actions as part of a whole.

In this way it is possible to integrate in a unified strategy each and every one of the offline marketing actions (product study, commercial offer, offline promotion and distribution, telephony, etc.) with the online actions and channels (web positioning, content management, social media, link building, online advertising…).

A good integrated marketing platform allows to evaluate in real time the impact that each of the actions have separately, the economic return and in followers they have generated and their importance in the overall results obtained.


“Integrated marketing allows to analyze the profitability of each action or campaign to reinforce those that are more productive to the detriment of those that offer lower returns”


What are the steps to define your Integrated Marketing strategy?

Once you have defined your integrated marketing strategy you must understand that each of the marketing actions are parts of a larger marketing strategy.

This type of marketing actions get to position your brand and that your potential customers perceive and add value to it.

In GESDITEL we have a qualified marketing team that will execute your integral marketing strategy with the best results. If you prefer to carry out the marketing with your own means, we explain you how to do it in 6 steps:


1 – Study your environment and define your target customer

The most important thing for your integrated marketing strategy to be successful is to define which customer segment you are going to target with your product or service. From now on we will call this customer segment your “target customer”.

You must study what is the service you offer, what is your scope of action (local, regional, national, international…), what are the prices of similar products and services in your area and sector and what are the characteristics of your product or service that makes it different and with greater value than that of your competition.

The best brands do not sell their product; they sell the feeling you will have when you consume or buy that product.

This is the first secret of neuromarketing; no matter how rational we think we are, our decisions are made by our primal brain. The latest studies in neuromarketing point out that 85% of the decisions we make when it comes to buying are made subconsciously.

Once you have this information you must define the product, the sensation it will produce in your customer, and the “target customer” to whom you will direct your strategy.





2 – Keywording and web design

In this phase you should define the target keywords.

These words are the most important to structure your digital marketing strategy.

They are the words that your “target customer” will type before finding you in the search engines.

There are more than 17 different types of target keywords, but the most important (and not to extend too much in the article) are two: generic and long tail.

A generic keyword (although they are called keywords, they are actually phrases) is one that will reach the largest number of target customers, but is very difficult to position and, if it does, will have low “conversion rates”. For example: “dental clinic” is searched by many people, it is a generic key phrase in which it is very difficult to position because on the Internet there is already a lot written about these words, in addition, writing “medical center” does not always denote the intention to go to the doctor, most searches will be for information.

A long tail keyword is longer, therefore less searched and easier to position. It also generates higher conversion rates, since its search denotes interest in purchasing a product. For example: “dental clinic appointment Madrid”.





3 – SEO positioning and domain authority

In the previous step you chose the target keywords with which your corporate website will be created.

Now you must create the optimal structure to be able to climb in SEO positioning.

To check if the structure and loading speed are correct you can use free tools like Woorank or Seigoo..

Once the structure of your website is ideal, you must begin to climb positions in the natural positioning of your website (SEO). To do this you must create quality content (a blog with regular publications of interest to your “target customer”) and improve your Domain Authority (DA) or Page Rank.

The Domain Authority or Page Rank is the parameter that companies responsible for Internet positioning (mainly Google and MOZ) take into account to position a website over another. This parameter indicates the relevance of a website on the Internet.

To improve your Domain Authority or Page Rank you must get many “quality” websites to link to your website (your blog posts are also useful, hence the importance of creating quality content).

These links are called “Backlinks”.

It is important that you do not “cheat” by buying links or placing them on websites of dubious reputation, because in that case you will suffer a significant penalty.

This graph shows the importance of quality backlinks to your website in your domain authority score. Currently your DA score is determined by more than 66% by the quantity and quality of your backlinks on websites and social networks.




4 – Blog and social networks

Once you have your structure ready, you must fill it with quality content to arouse the interest of your “target customer” and generate the precious backlinks that, in turn, will increase your domain authority and your SEO positioning.

You must select the right social networks to “move” that content and make it reach your “target customer”. For example, a business that sells only to other businesses should use LinkedIn. A weight loss clinic should use Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. In both cases they bring their content closer to their “target customer”.

The strategy that gives the best results is to publish content on your blog and then share it through the Social Networks chosen above. This way you get traffic from the main social networks to your website, increasing the chances of generating subscribers and converting those leads (interested people) into customers.





The most important thing for your integrated marketing strategy to be successful is to be able to monitor the impact that each of your blog posts have had, and how many visitors they have generated in each of the social networks.

The analysis of this data will serve to select the topics that generate greater interest in your “target customer” and perfect the way to focus them to maximize the number of visits.


5- Conversion to customers

You already have your potential customers on your website, what do we do now?

Now you have the hard task of converting these visitors into customers. To do this you must rely on several tools that you will select according to suit your business.

As in the rest of the integral marketing strategy, the analysis of the results of each tool will determine if it is profitable or not, and will allow you to eliminate resources from one tool to invest them in another one that obtains better results.

Some of these conversion tools are:


– Chatbots: interact with your visitor via text or voice recognition. They are used to get the contact details of the visitor interested in a product, to solve frequently asked questions, give information or take the visitor to the purchase page of a product or service. The most advanced ones detect the visitor’s intention to leave your website and offer them exclusive discounts.

According to data from Adobe: 28% of leading companies use AI for marketing, while 31% plan to use AI in the next 12 months

– Subscription Newsletters or News Feeds: Invite the visitor to leave their data to receive your publications periodically in their email. It is the most effective way to have your “target customer” connected with your company. This data allows you to carry out personalized campaigns focusing on a product, an area or a specific discount.




– Landing pages: are pages that are created to increase sales rates for a specific product. They are intended to guide the visitor to the page where, almost without realizing it, they will buy your product or service.


According to Neil Patel, landing pages can increase your conversion rates by up to 56%


– Calls to action or CTAs: consists of introducing elements on your website that capture your visitor’s attention and encourage them to take a specific path. An example of a call to action would be a countdown together with a discount purchase button.


6 – Telephone channel and conventional marketing

So far you have managed to optimize and control all your digital marketing activity, but: what about telephone traffic and traditional marketing?

To control these traditional channels you need a telephone marketing management system with which you can measure the profitability of your traditional marketing actions (billboards, mailboxes, radio, etc.) in two ways:

1- Using different phone numbers to control the return of each marketing channel.

2- Using a single number, but dividing the telephone traffic into several “call queues” in which the return of each marketing channel will be controlled independently.

From both, it is possible to record and know in isolation all the telephone activity generated by each of the telephone channels, even if the calls have been answered by the same agents.

The study of this data will allow us to know the peak times, the return on investment of each of the channels (multiplying the sales made by the average ticket price) and the activity of each of our sales or support agents.

These systems not only manage to control the activity, but also increase profits by more than 127% by applying channel prioritization techniques according to their profitability, and tripling the number of calls handled using Artificial Intelligence.






A Harvard Business Review study found that companies using this technology for sales could increase leads by more than 50%, reduce call time by 60-70% and achieve cost reductions between 40-60%.  Source: HBR


The use of voice assistants with natural language recognition allows you to extend your phone and sales hours to 7x24x365.

These advanced assistants pick up requests, orders, give information or close sales without human intervention.

They are able to attend and translate in more than 87 different languages and communicate with any modern computer system through APIs.


7- Statistical control and heat maps

Finally, to remind you that your integrated marketing campaign must be alive.

The analysis of all the data obtained is of vital importance to adjust your machinery and achieve the best possible results.

To do this, you must have an omnichannel platform that gives you true control over your marketing actions.

At the very least, that platform should have the following functions.




– Number of visitors to your website.

– Sales funnels: through which page they have entered your website and where they have abandoned you.

– Heat maps: where they click, where they look and where they don’t look.

– Session recording.


Following these steps, with a little patience and a lot of hard work you will climb up to the top SEO positions, and you will stop relying on your expensive SEM campaigns.

However, our marketing team will be happy to help you if you fill out this contact form.

I hope you found it useful.

(Votos: 1542 )
Por: Nati CaballeroPublicado el: 12 de mayo de 2022