
Today we talk to you about our success story with Sener Ingeniería: why they contacted GESDITEL ☎, what problems we detected and how we helped them to optimize their resources to achieve success? Don’t miss it!

GESDITEL signs with SENER Ingeniería as official supplier for its telecommunications in the thermosolar plant of La Junta de los Ríos (Torresol Nergy), located in the town of Arcos de la Frontera (Cádiz), whose accumulated production is around 3,137 GWh.

SENER Ingeniería is an international reference in the Infrastructure, Energy and Marine sectors. It is recognized worldwide for the development and commissioning of turnkey projects with a high technological load, backed by its long track record at international level.


Why did Sener they contact GESDITEL?

SENER required in the plant a dedicated Internet connection with symmetrical and guaranteed flows for telemetry and control of future projects to be carried out in the plant. In addition, GESDITEL guaranteed the securitization and encryption of all relevant communications.

The 3 main national providers declined to provide service due to the impossibility of accessing the location, due to the complexity of the orography and its access to be able to provide the indicated service in the area.


What needs did we detect?

  • Dedicated and guaranteed Internet accesses, as well as backup circuits using different technology to the main circuits.
  • Fixed Ips ranges (class C).
  • Quality of Service ( QoS ) according to the requirements set by SENER.
  • Firewall with encrypted network securization.


What Solutions did we implement?

GESDITEL implements radio-link in licensed band, providing SENER with dedicated symmetrical flows for its Internet service, with 4G backup without download limit to cover possible failures of the main circuits.

Firewall implementation, whose telemetry securization is guaranteed, as well as communications to the different departments involved in the different projects.


What is the result?



internet lento

  • Impossibility of accessing a guarantee Internet service to manage the telemetry and processes to be performed, as well as the security and encryption of relevant data.


casos exito

  • Symmetrical and guaranteed connection to the Internet in licensed band with sufficient bandwidth demanded by SENER in the different stages of the projects.
  • Securization and encryption of relevant data and communications.


(Votos: 1542 )
Por: Nati CaballeroPublicado el: 4 de abril de 2022