Time Recording System Administrator’s Manual

🚀 In the following Time Recording System Administrator’s Manual you will learn how to get the most out of your company’s employee time reporting. 🤓 Follow the steps below!


How to access the agents’ clockings from the administrator panel of my call center software?

First of all, to view our agents’ clockings, pull hour reports, edit records and perform all kinds of settings and management of the clocking panel, we must access the administration panel of our call center software. To access the clocking panel, we will follow the following steps:

1. We access the call center software panel by entering our administrator credentials.



2. We will go to the tab «ACQUISITION» that we will find on the left side of the panel.




Now we will be able to see all the agents that have clocked in during the day, using the filters, we will be able to consult specific days and we also have access to edit some data that we will explain in other sections that follow.

What agent clocking data can I know from the administrator panel of my call center software?

When we access to the tab «Signing» we can see first of all the signing panel that will allow us to make filters so that our searches are more specific if needed.




Below, we see the table resulting from the data filter performed. Among the data that we will have access to and that we can see in this table, are the following:

  • Date: day on which the Entry or Exit record was made.
  • Time: time at which the Check-In or Check-Out was performed.
  • Type: the type of record made, whether it was Check In or Check Out.
  • Type: the type of record made, whether it was Check In or Check Out.
  • Employee: name and extension of the employee to whom the time entry belongs.
  • Duration: refers to the hours that the agent has been active (when it is clocking in) or the hours of absence (in a clocking out).
  • Comments: if we click on the pencil, a window will open where it will be possible to insert an annotation about the record in question.
  • Valid: this column indicates whether the record is Valid (if everything is correct) or Invalid (if it was invalidated by the administrator due to an error).
  • Invalid: this column indicates whether the record is Valid (if everything is correct) or Invalid (if it was invalidated by the administrator due to an error).
  • IP: Indicates the IP from which the clocking record was made.
  • Source: Indicates if it was done manually by the agent itself.
  • Map: Indicates the location from which the clocking in or out was made. Clicking on the icon displays a map of the exact location.
  • Map: Indicates the location from which the clock-in or clock-out was made.
  • Actions: to directly invalidate (delete) a valid clock-in or clock-out.




How to Manage Agent Hours Reports with the Time Recording System Administrator’s Manual?

The clocking system of our call center software will allow us to perform multiple functions in terms of time control, schedules, performance statistics of our staff, as well as to get a Timekeeping Report when you need it. With this manual you will be able to get the most out of this section in a very simple way.


How to insert an agent clocking from the administrator panel of my call center software?

It may happen that one of the agents, for any reason, has not been able to clock in one day. In this case only the administrator from his panel, will have the option to insert a clocking after the time in the panel of the agent. We show below how to perform this action once we are inside the administrator panel and in the «Punch-in» tab as indicated in the first section of this Time Recording System Administrator’s Manual:

To start a new time entry, click on «+ Add time entry»:




2. In the new window that appears, we will now see the option to insert the data for the record:

  • Employee: select the employee to whom we are going to add the record (or do not select any if we want them all to appear, i.e., keep this field blank).
  • Type: we choose if it is a clock-in or clock-out record (or we choose none so that both appear, we keep it in «choose a type»). To add a full day, we will first complete this window with the data for input and then, we will start a new record by choosing the «output» option in the «type» field.
  • Date: we will select from the calendar the current or previous date on which we want to insert the new record we are completing.
  • Time: we insert the desired time (it is not necessary to do it if it is not an important data).
  • Comment: we can use this field to add some internal annotation or reminder of why the clocking was done from administrator. Ex: the agent had problems accessing the platform.
  • Comment:.

Important: do not forget to «Save» the changes so that the data is saved.




How to edit a time record from the administrator panel of my call center software?

In this section of the Time Recording System Administrator’s Manual we will show how to edit an hourly record. Sometimes it can happen to us that an agent has inserted the clocking in the wrong way. For example, instead of punching out, he/she may have punched in the «clock in» key twice in one day, or he/she may have forgotten to punch in or out… etc.

These time records can be modified but only from the administrator panel. We show below in this Time Recording System Administrator’s Manual the steps to follow to edit a record once we are inside the administration panel and in the «Record» tab as indicated in the first section.

1. At the top of the «Record» window, we can select the specific date and employee to find the record we are going to edit. We then fill in the relevant data and click on the filter button:




2. Once we click on the «Filter» button, the record we need to edit will appear immediately below. As we can see, the edits we can make on a record are:

  • Comments: to insert an application.
  • Actions: here we can «invalidate» the input or output record we have selected. when we click on «Invalidate», the particular record disappears, it is deleted. This is very useful when it is for example a punch-in or punch-out record started or ended at the wrong time, because in this case, we will invalidate the wrong record (delete it) and insert a new one as explained in the previous section.




How to Detect Common Timekeeping Errors?

Before pulling hours reports, it is advisable to check that the agents’ registrations have been made correctly. When we have few workers inserted, it may be a simpler task to detect visually, but when the number of employees is greater, we can make use of this functionality of the tool that will save us many headaches.

To detect common time recording errors in a simple way. We log in as indicated in the first section of this Time Recording System Administrator’s Manual and go to the «Time Sheet» tab.

From the «File» tab view, click on «Search for frequent errors»:




In the window that will appear next. we will define the agents for which we want to search for punching errors:

  • Select all: so that all the available agents will appear
  • Select nothing: to manually type the name of an agent in question.
  • Crlt: to manually type the name of an agent in question.
  • Crlt: hold down the control key when we want to select several agents (not all).

We will also define in this window the specific year and month for which we want to search for logging errors.

To finish, we must not forget to click on the «Show» button.




Once we click on the «Show» button in the previous step, the messages will appear on the screen:

  • No errors found: if all the time records are correctly inserted.




  • O message the possible errors to be corrected: it is recommended that if errors appear, before taking any other action, we go back to the signings panel to verify why the alert was triggered.




Once we have verified that indeed some of the possible errors detected are true, the system makes some suggestions to correct the records. We can manage them in the following way:

  • Invalidate the record we select




  • Create from here a new substitution (incoming, outgoing or both).




How to Generate Agent Hours Reports?

With this Time Recording System Administrator’s Manual you will now learn how to generate agent hours reports. In our call center software administrator panel, we also have the option to generate clocking reports in .pdf or .csv format for our employees (all or any specific employee) and specific dates or periods.

The software, in addition to showing in the reports the total number of hours worked by our agents, is able to calculate and also show in them the number of overtime performed. The calculation of overtime is done based on the number of contract hours of each employee.

To generate reports of hours, after accessing the administrator panel and the tab «Reporting» as indicated in the first section, we will follow the steps below:

1. Once we are in the tab «Record» and when we click on reports, a drop-down will appear where we can choose the type of report we need to generate:

  • Report by employee and month in .pdf format
  • Report grouped by week in .pdf format
  • Report by employee and day in .pdf format
  • Export table in CSV format
  • Export totals in CSV format




How to Generate a Report of Hours by Employee and Month?

We find ourselves inside the system, in the section «Reporting». By clicking on the «Reports» button as indicated in the previous section, a drop-down menu will appear. Select the first option «Report by employee and month»:




The following window will appear next:




Fill in the employee data (all or some in particular), year and month for which we want to generate the report. Finally, click on the «Print» button and a .pdf file will be generated showing in a table a summary of hours broken down by day, week and employee.


How to Generate a Report Grouped by Week?

In this Time Recording System Administrator’s Manual we will now address the section of the report grouped by week, which will allow us to generate a .pdf where we will find a summary of the hours worked by the agents (or any in particular) and in a particular week. Click on the 2nd option «Report grouped by week»:




We will now see the window where we fill in the filter fields: employee / employees, the date from and until to select the specific period and the time fields if it is an important data for our filter.




Click on the «Print» button to generate the report in .pdf format with the clocking information broken down by days and grouped by week. The report will indicate the data of the employee or agent to whom the record belongs: full name, nif and period to which the time record belongs.


How to Generate a Report by Employee and Day?

The report by employee and day is used to generate a report of hours in a specific period that we will select through the filter options in this section. Whereupon, what we have to do is to fill in the filter fields in the section and click on the «Filter» button for them to be applied.




We will see below the table result of the employee and dates filter performed.




This is the table that will be generated in .pdf format automatically when you click on the 3rd option of the «Report by employee and day» reports section.




Automatically, the report in .pdf format will be generated. In each sheet will appear an employee with its corresponding data: full name, nif and hours record of the day selected in the previous filter.


How to export the Hours Report to .csv?

Another of the options that the system gives us is the generation of Hours Reports that we can download directly in .csv format. This report will provide us with the data resulting from the selected filter indicating: time range, employee / employees, days, time of entry and exit, total hours worked … that is, a complete report of all data. How to download it? Follow the steps described in this Time Recording System Administrator’s Manual below:

1. First, as in previous sections, we use the filters in the «File» tab to select the record we want to generate in the report. Fill in the relevant data and click on the «Filter» button to execute the selection:




2. Next, we click on «Reports» and the «Export table to CSV» option:




3. It will automatically download the selection (report) in .csv format:




How to export Hourly Summary to .csv?

In our admin panel, we find a report that is called «Totals». This is the one that will indicate us in a summarized form the sum of hours worked by employees in the time range that we indicate in the filter of the tab «File» (the report «Export table» is more detailed). In order to export this report in .csv format, follow the steps shown below in this Time Recording System Administrator’s Manual:

1. We go to the «File» tab and in the «Filter» section, we fill in all the data that are important to generate the result in desired time range and personnel (for example 1 week and all employees). Finally, click on the «Filter» button to process the data:




2. Once we see on screen the table resulting from our filter, click on «Reports» and «Export totals to .CSV».




3. Immediately a .csv file will be downloaded to our PC which will detail the name of the employee and the sum of hours worked in the selected range.




If you want to continue learning about the different functionalities of the call center system and manage perfectly all the advantages it offers, be sure to look for more information in our blog!

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Por: Nati CaballeroPublicado el: 18 de marzo de 2022