Webfax, what it is and how it works

Companies increasingly have more and more tools that allow them to optimize their services to offer a quality service ✅. In this case, we are going to analyze your company’s WebFax service to get the most out of it. But, first of all, … 🤓 what is a WebFax?What is a WebFax?
It is an online fax service that allows you to send and receive faxes from any device (computer, tablet and mobile) in your email or online account.
Also, below, we are going to explain how this service works and the advantages it provides to all those companies that use it. 

How WebFax works?

How to Login to WebFax?

The first thing to do is to access the website https://centralita.gesditel.es/fax from which we can login to enter the company’s Fax web service by entering our username and password (both will be provided by Gesditel).webfax 

How to Send a Fax with WebFax?

Once we have entered the website, we go to the “Send Fax” tab at the top left of the page. We then enter the destination number we want to send the fax to and look for the document we want to send to it on the device. Once found, select it, upload it and click “SEND.”Always remember to verify that:
  • The document is saved in pdf, jpeg or tiff format.
  • You have selected the correct document.
  • The destination number is the correct one for the document to reach the recipient.

How to access the WebFax Inbox?

To access all the faxes we have received in WebFax we just have to go to the top left of the page and click on the “Inbox” tab. Once inside we can perform the following actions:
  1. Filter by date – from – to.
  2. Filter by destination fax number.
  3. Download the PDF with the fax and the result of sending by clicking on the “Download” button.
  4. Delete the Fax by pressing a “Delete” button.
  5. Access more options (send by fax or by mail) by clicking on the “More options” button.
Also, from here we can access to a history with all the received faxes in which we can filter by various parameters. 02-box-inbox 

How to access the WebFax Outbox?

To access in WebFax to all the faxes we have sent we just have to go to the top left of the page and click on the “Outbox” tab. Once inside we can:
  1. Filter by date – from – to.
  2. View status.
  3. View the sending attempts made.
  4. View the maximum number of attempts (3 by default).
  5. Download the PDF with the fax and the result of the sending by clicking on the “Download” button.
  6. Cancel sending the fax by clicking the “Cancel” button.
Also, from here we can access to a history with all the faxes sent in which we can filter by various parameters. 03-tray-output IMPORTANT: the fax will remain in “In Queue” status and 3 sending attempts will be made until it is received by the recipient. It is important to check that the status changes to “RECEIVED.” 04-output-tray-received 

What are the advantages of using WebFax?

The Online Fax service is a modern, easy to set up and use solution that allows you to send and receive faxes online instantly. It also provides great advantages for businesses such as:
  • Save time and money
  • Send faxes by email as if it were an attachment, you only need an Internet connection.
  • It has Unlimited online storage.
  • It allows multiple users each with their own email.
  • It works from any device and at any place and at any time.
  • It is compatible with all browsers.
  • Allows you to send faxes to multiple recipients at once and receive confirmation from each one.
  • Provides acknowledgement of receipt with the date and time of sending.
  • Eliminates costs (machinery, line, space, …).
  • … If you need further assistance on how the WebFax service works, you should contact your system administrator. If on the other hand you are not satisfied with the one your company has, do not hesitate to contact us, we will assist you without obligation. We hope that this manual has helped you to get the most out of this tool.
(Votos: 1542 )

Por: Nati CaballeroPublicado el: 25 de abril de 2022