What is omnichannel and how to use it to boost your sales?

In this week’s article, “What is omnichannel and how to use it to boost your sales” 💸, we will explain why implementing an omnichannel strategy 🚀 and for which types of companies it is more efficient. Keep reading!


Omnichannel what is it?

The omnichannel is a communication model or marketing strategy that companies use to optimize the experience of their customers, allowing them to be in Constant contact with the company through multiple channels at the same time.

Companies that seek to offer increasingly personalized attention to customers find in the unification of communication channels the solution to fast, effective and simple communication.

Companies that already use this omnichannel system as a strategy, affirm that a client values the ability to be in constant contact with a company through multiple channels at the same time.

Omnichannel can be applied to different sectors such as:

– Financial services

– Retail commerce

– Telecommunications industries.

The omnichannel system includes different channels of interaction with the customer, both physical and digital, such as:

– Physical locations
– Social media
– Websites
– Mobile apps
– Telephone

Companies that apply the omnichannel strategy align their messages, goals, objectives and designs among all channels and devices with the aim of interacting in a consistent line with the customer or potential lead.

As a short summary to understand what omnichannel is, we will see the following example of a client:

A user who makes a query to the company through their social networks, may at the same time be visiting the company’s branch, receiving an email with a happy birthday message from them and a few hours later, a pop notification up with a flash offer through its app.


What is the difference between multichannel and omnichannel?

Multichannel and omnichannel are terms used to describe how companies interact with your customers through different communication channels. Although both terms may seem similar, there are important differences between them.

Multichannel refers to the presence of a company in multiple communication channels, such as physical stores, websites, mobile applications, social networks, email, among others.

Each channel is used in isolation and is considered a separate communication path. A multi-channel company offers its customers different ways to interact with it, but it is not necessarily integrated in a coherent way.

On the other hand, omnichannel refers to an integrated approach to a company’s communication with its customers through all its communication channels.

In this case, the different channels are integrated and work together in a coherent way, to offer a consistent and seamless user experience.

This implies that any interaction a customer has with the business, whether through a physical store, website, or mobile app, must be consistent and consistent with their experience on other channels.

For example, if a customer makes a purchase online and then visits a physical company store, she should be able to find the same product and receive the same customer service.

In addition, the company must be able to use the information it has collected about the customer through different channels to personalize the customer experience and make it more relevant to him or her.

In summary:

– Multichannel refers to the presence of a company in multiple communication channels that are not necessarily integrated

– Omnichannel refers to a coherent integration of all communication channels of a company to offer a consistent and seamless experience to customers.


omnichannel strategy


Why implement an omnichannel strategy?

In this section of the article “What is omnichannel and how to use it to boost your sales” we will talk about why implement an omnichannel strategy, how to do it and the benefits for companies.

First, it allows companies to offer a consistent and seamless shopping experience to their customers, regardless of the channel they use. This can improve customer satisfaction and build brand loyalty.

Additionally, an omnichannel strategy can help companies gain a more comprehensive view of their customers and their purchasing preferences, which can be useful for personalizing the offer and improving the efficiency of marketing efforts.

Another benefit of implementing an omnichannel strategy is that it can help businesses make the most of sales opportunities across all channels.

For example, if a customer sees a product online and then buys it in a physical store, the company can use this opportunity to offer complementary products or upsells.

In short, implementing an omnichannel strategy can improve the customer experience, increase brand loyalty, and increase sales opportunities across all channels.

Objectives of an omnichannel strategy

In this section of the article “What is omnichannel and how to use it to boost your sales” we will indicate the 6 most important objectives of an omnichannel strategy:

  1. Offer a consistent and coherent user experience in all communication and sales channels, whether online or physical.
  2. Facilitate the transition between the different channels in a fluid manner and without interruptions for the user.
  3. Improve business efficiency and productivity by unifying all processes and information systems on a single platform.
  4. Increase customer satisfaction by offering a more personalized service tailored to their needs.
  5. Increase sales and customer loyalty by providing a more complete and consistent shopping experience.
  6. Obtain a global and real-time vision of customer interactions with the company, which allows strategic decisions to be made based on data.


Omnichannel benefits in companies

Omnichannel in companies can provide several benefits, some of which are:

  1. Increased convenience for customers: Omnichannel allows customers to interact with a business through multiple channels, including email, phone, online chat, and social media. This allows customers to choose the channel that suits them best and can improve their overall experience.
  2. Greater flexibility for companies: omnichannel allows companies to adapt to the needs of their customers and provide a more personalized service. For example, if a customer prefers email to communicate with a company, omnichannel allows them to do so.
  3. Greater efficiency: omnichannel in companies allows companies to centralize their customer information and process requests more efficiently. For example, if a customer asks a question via email and then calls on the phone to ask another question, omnichannel allows the business to see the customer’s information and past requests in one place.
  4. Increased customer satisfaction: Omnichannel can improve customer experience and increase customer satisfaction by providing a quick and efficient response to customer requests. You can also help build customer loyalty by providing high-quality customer service.
  5. Increased profitability: Omnichannel can help businesses increase their profitability by increasing customer satisfaction and fostering loyalty. It can also help reduce operating costs by centralizing information and processes.


omnichannel benefits


Omnichannel benefits for buyers

As we have already seen in previous sections, omnichannel is a marketing strategy that allows buyers to interact with a company through multiple channels, such as online stores, social networks, mobile applications, and physical stores.

This gives shoppers a more convenient and personalized shopping experience.

One of the benefits of omnichannel for buyers is ease of access. Shoppers can choose the channel they prefer to make their purchases, whether online or in person, allowing them to shop when and where it is most convenient for them.

In addition, omnichannel allows buyers to access more information about the company’s products and services, which helps them make informed buying decisions.

Another benefit of omnichannel for shoppers is personalization. Companies may use the information collected through different channels to offer buyers personalized products and services tailored to their needs and preferences.

This can improve customer satisfaction and build brand loyalty.

Finally, omnichannel can also be beneficial for buyers in terms of customer service.

Buyers can contact the company through different channels such as email, live chat or social networks, which allows them to get quick answers and solutions to their questions or problems.


Omnichannel strategy examples

As we have already seen, the omnichannel strategy is an approach that allows companies to interact with their customers through multiple communication channels, both digital and physical. Some examples of omnichannel strategies are:

  1. Offer a mobile application to make purchases online and then pick them up in the physical store.
  2. Provide live chat on the website and mobile app so customers can get answers to their questions in real time.
  3. Use a customer service system that allows representatives to serve customers through multiple channels, such as email, text messages, and phone calls.
  4. Offer a home delivery service and allow customers to track the progress of their order through a mobile app or website.
  5. Use CRM (Customer Relationship Management, or customer relationship management) to collect and use information about customers across all channels to offer a more personalized and efficient service.


omnichannel strategy examples


Advantages of omnichannel telemarketing

Omnichannel in telemarketing is an approach that allows businesses to interact with their customers through multiple communication channels, such as email, live chat, social media, and phone. This offers companies a number of advantages, including:

    1. Greater Reach: An omnichannel strategy enables companies to reach more customers across multiple platforms and devices.
    2. Increased convenience for customers: Customers can choose the channel they prefer to interact with the company, increasing their convenience and facilitating problem resolution.
    3. Greater flexibility: Omnichannel allows companies to adapt to customer preferences and needs, whether through email, live chat, or phone.
    4. Greater efficiency: Omnichannel allows companies to more efficiently manage customer requests and questions, as they can use different channels to serve them.
    5. Greater customer satisfaction: Customers appreciate being able to choose the channel they prefer to interact with the company and receive personalized attention.
    6. Increased customer loyalty: Omnichannel enables companies to build customer loyalty by offering convenient and personalized service.
    7. More opportunity for cross-selling: omnichannel in business allows companies to promote their products and services through multiple channels, which increases the chances of making additional sales.
    8. Enhanced opportunity for data collection: omnichannel strategy allows companies to collect data across multiple channels, which can help better understand customers and improve marketing and sales efforts.


How to create an omnichannel strategy

Now that we know omnichannel what it is, what it is for, what are its advantages and objectives, we will indicate some steps you can follow to create an omnichannel strategy:

  1. Identify your objectives: What are your long-term goals? What do you want to achieve with your omnichannel strategy?
  2. Know your audience: Who are your customers and how do they communicate? What channels do they prefer to use to interact with you?
  3. Analyze your current channels: What channels are you already using to reach your customers, what works well and what needs improvement?
  4. Select the right channels: Which channels are best suited for your audience and to meet your goals? Think about digital channels (such as email and social media) and non-digital channels (such as phone and snail mail).
  5. Select the right channels: What channels are best suited to your audience and meet your goals?
  6. Integrate your channels: Make sure all your channels are integrated and work together cohesively. This may include synchronizing your messaging across different channels and making sure your employees have access to the information they need to provide consistent customer service across all channels.
  7. Measure and optimize: Use tracking and analytics tools to measure the performance of your omnichannel strategy and optimize as needed.

It’s important to keep in mind that an omnichannel strategy is not simply about replicating the same message across different channels. Instead, it is about considering how each channel can contribute to a cohesive and consistent customer experience.


omnichannel in companies


Tools to implement omnichannel in companies

In this section of the post “Omnichannel what is it and how to use it to boost your sales” we will indicate some tools that can help implement omnichannel in companies:

  1. Telephone management systems such as virtual switchboards: allow you to manage and direct the company’s incoming and outgoing calls efficiently, in addition to offering features such as call tracking, call recording and statistics generation.
  2. Call center software: allows for the management of massive calls, agent tracking and task assignment, among other functionalities.
  3. Conversation management through social networks: tools such as Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Telegram, WhatsApp allow interaction with customers through these platforms and the management of messages and conversations.
  4. Chatbots: are computer programs that simulate a human conversation and can be used to serve customers in an automated way and provide information or resolve doubts quickly and efficiently.
  5. Email: is a widely used communication channel for customer service and the management of incidents and requests.
  6. Support tickets: are systems that allow the management of customer incidents and requests in an organized and efficient way, allowing to track the status of each ticket and assign tasks to support agents.

In general, omni-channeling involves providing customers with the option of contacting the company through different communication channels, such as phone call, email, social networks and chatbots, and providing constant and efficient customer service in all of them.


What types of companies can benefit from an omnichannel strategy?

The omnichannel strategy can be beneficial for any type of company that has multiple sales channels and wants to offer its customers a consistent and seamless shopping experience.

Some examples of companies that can benefit from an omnichannel strategy include:

  • Grocery stores: an omnichannel strategy can enable these companies to offer online shopping and home delivery options, as well as in-store pickup options.
  • Retailers: an omnichannel strategy can enable these companies to offer online shopping and home delivery options, as well as in-store pickup and in-store return options.
  • Financial services companies: an omnichannel strategy can enable these companies to offer customer service options through multiple channels, such as live online chat, phone calls and visits to physical branches.
  • Health care services companies: an omnichannel strategy can enable these companies to offer online appointment options, video conferencing and phone care, in addition to in-person visits.

In short, any company that has multiple sales channels and wants to offer its customers a seamless, hassle-free shopping experience can benefit from an omnichannel strategy.


So much for everything you need to know about the topic “Omnichannel what is it and how to use it to drive your sales”. We hope this article has been useful and you can enjoy the benefits of omnichannel first hand in your company.

Don’t wait any longer and start creating your omnichannel strategy today!

If you want to know more about sales techniques for telemarketing and call center, be sure to visit the SALES section of our blog!

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Por: Nati CaballeroPublicado el: 30 de diciembre de 2022