Ximenez Spinola Winery

🚀 Today you will discover everything about our success story with Ximénez Spínola Winery from Jerez de la Frontera. The problems that were detected when we started working together, how we managed to solve them and how we made the appropriate optimizations to achieve success ✅. Very interesting, don’t miss it!

Thanks to the agreement signed in 2019, GESDITEL becomes the provider of Internet services and VoIP telephone systems of the well-known and prestigious sherry winery Ximénez Spínola.  


Why did Ximenez Spinola Winery contact GESDITEL?

Because of its geographical location, the Ximénez Spínola winery suffers outages in its Internet connection, which is slow and with no possibility of improving the service.

They have similar problems with the 4G coverage of their mobile lines: poor signal and audio quality of calls to their head-end number.

They imperatively need to control their communications and offer their customers an image on par with their well-known image and winery brand.  


How did Ximenez Spinola Winery used to do their Customer Service?

Ximenez Spinola Winery offered its customer service using the “One Net Virtual PBX” packaged services offered by Vodafone. This service consists of a virtual switchboard over mobile lines, with very basic functions and no control of incoming and outgoing calls.

Ximenez Spinola Winery was offering its customer service using the “Virtual PBX One Net” packaged services offered by Vodafone.

Due to the extreme simplicity of Vodafone’s virtual PBX system and the numerous 4G coverage problems that Ximenez Spinola Winery suffers, they choose to look for other solutions that offer them greater control of their communications and above all the possibility of having accurate information on the number of telephone orders received, both from their fixed lines and their cell phones.  


What needs did we detect?

  • Deficient 3G and 4G network coverage of Vodafone.
  • Micro-cuts and outages during calls.
  • Ximenez Spinola landline number was not always available due to the problems already discussed.
  • The phones did not display the corporate landline number when calling outside. Instead, they displayed a mobile number, which led to confusion for customers and suppliers.
  • No information is available on sections with higher volume of incoming and outgoing calls (only the call log on the invoice)
  • It was not recording calls.
  • They were damaging the image of their telephone customer service and, as a consequence, the image of the winery.


Which solutions did we implement?

Once we detected the needs of Ximenez Spinola Winery, we agreed to provide the following services:

  • Symmetrical access guaranteed with LMDS access.

GESDITEL provides a stable data circuit, with a symmetrical throughput adapted to the present and future needs of Ximenez Spinola Winery. Due to the location of the wineries, our engineers chose to install a radio link that manages a guaranteed and symmetrical internet flow. In addition, 5 static ips are assigned to the customer.

  • Virtual PBX

It is proposed to set up a virtual telephone system in the cloud with VoIP technology. This system allows the integration of “fixed” lines with IP terminals and mobile lines of any operator, assigning short numbers to each line.

  • Integration of mobile lines from other operators

Short numbering is assigned to both fixed and mobile extensions and mobile lines are enhanced with advanced features included in the virtual PBX.

  • Automatic multi-language operator

We include several options in the interactive menu with English and Spanish voiceovers for the automatic telephone answering of customers and visitors to Ximenez Spinola Winery

  • Virtual Assistant LITE.

Bodegas Ximenez Spinola has a virtual assistant that receives your orders outside of business hours and during peak hours.

  • Teleworking

Every user can continue with their work from anywhere and with any device connected to the Internet.

  • Online Panel

This dashboard allows them to have statistical information and metrics that are vital to them when it comes to reinforcing jobs with human staff.  


Which is the result?



desesperacion vodafone

  • Bodegas Ximenez Spinola was suffering from data service outages and poor quality phone calls due to poor 4G coverage in the area.
  • They did not have any control over the calls received and answered in their company and needed to improve their telephone customer service.



ximenez spinola winery

  • Ximenez Spinola Winery has a stable and guaranteed Internet flow.
  • It has also managed to stabilize and unify in an online panel its voice communications, both fixed and mobile, thanks to our virtual switchboard and has improved its customer service department by automating the intelligent distribution of calls with artificial intelligence, having real-time information on the status of its telephone support agents.


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Por: Nati CaballeroPublicado el: 19 de abril de 2022